* The initiative aims to overcome the existing challenge which is multiplicity of procedures and operating models for the enabling and supporting entities to provide services in the municipal sector and empower their human resources by developing flexible and automated procedures that provide quick and high-quality municipal services, and reflecting such services on a unified platform including all municipal sector services to facilitate access to service for customers and provide smooth and integrated experience.

* The initiative targets all segments of beneficiaries of the municipal sector services in the private and public sectors.

* The initiative helps improve quality of services by developing procedures and facilitating access to municipal services in the Saudi cities.

* Expected Impact: Unifying, regulating and automating the procedures and the operating models for the contributing departments and those concerned with providing services to citizens and empowering human resources in the municipal sector in order to facilitate provision of services by developing mechanisms for providing digital and self-services to the beneficiaries.

Outputs: Balady Platform; Immediate Licensing Services; Continuous Improvement Center; Professional and Construction Licensing Services; Procedural Guides and Operating Models that facilitate access to municipal services; Balady Platform Architectural Design; development and addition of services to Balady Platform; and Launch of the App.

National Transformation Program
Initiative Type
المبادرات والمساهمة في 2030